Hossein Ali Zabehi

Born in 1945, Tehran

1975 MA in Painting, École des Beaux Arts of Paris.
1969 BA in painting, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Tehran.
Teaching experiences

1977 – 2014 Teaches painting in a Boys Art Academy and at the University of Tehran and Azad.
Solo Exhibitions


2011 –  Hoor Gallery, Tehran

2010 – Maryam Fasihi Harandi Gallery, Tehran

Hoor Gallery, Tehran

2009 Hoor Gallery, Tehran


Selected Group exhibitions :


Imago Mundi. Luciano Benetton Collection. Mappa dell’arte nuova – Fondazione Giorgio Cini,Venice

2011   Group Show – Maryam Fasihi Harandi Gallery, Tehran

2010   Drawing group exhibition – Hoor Gallery, Tehran